Monday, June 3, 2013


A recently released Cheerios commercial portraying the love of a young girl trying to keep her daddy healthy has sparked so much controversy that YouTube had to disable the video's comments after only one day of being online. (The video, titled "Just Checking" can be viewed below.)

Despite it being a long time since we experienced segregation and racial inequality in the U.S., some people see this video completely differently that I do. I have seen this commercial on TV numerous times since it hit the tube last week, and I thought it was adorable...the love and concern of a little girl wanting to keep her dad's heart healthy, and in a funny way. 

Apparently, a lot of other people see it as "offensive" because it is a biracial family portrayed in the brief 30-second commercial. Some of the comments posted on YouTube even included references to Nazi's and racial genocide. 

Like I said, I saw the commercial several times and not once did I notice that it was a biracial family until I read about this controversy flooding the media. I saw nothing more than A FAMILY and a little girl's love. The commercial even ends with the word "Love". In fact, the young girl reminds me of my niece, Makayla. And yes...she is biracial. So is my nephew, my step-daughter, and other family members. Some are blood-related, some married into our family, and others were adopted - all from various ethnic backgrounds. 

This is what I have to say about the whole issue: "Haters breed Hate". Don't be a Hater. If you don't like something, change the channel or don't pay attention or just walk away. Don't spread your hate to other people. You are not accomplishing anything except bringing people down and creating more hate...mostly for you and your ignorance.

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