Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Helpful or Hurtful

I've been on a certain medication for about 4 months to treat my rheumatoid arthritis. The benefits are great in that I am able to move, walk, and work with minimal pain and stiffness. The downfall is the side effects. Being a diabetic for most of my life makes me very susceptible to pretty much anything and everything, so taking a med that reduces my immune system to practically zip is not good.

Well, the last month has been horrible for side-effects. I have broken out in tiny itchy bumps that cover my arms, hands, fingers, knees, and feet. I also bruise at the tiniest little thing. I've always bruised very easily, but this is insane! I sat in a lawn chair for about an hour, and the result was a bruise down my spine about 8 inches long. Last weekend, I was reading and had my arm rested on the table. Yep, another big nasty bruise.

My husband and my dad have been telling me to quit taking the meds. They worry about my health. But unless you actually know how painful the RA flare-up is, that's easier said than done. Before I started this round of meds, I was only able to walk with a cane. I could barely work on the computer because I couldn't grip the mouse or type on the keyboard. As a photographer, these are things that I have to be able to do. So I spoke with my mom yesterday, and she convinced me to go back to the doc and talk to him about all this. I've also been really depressed, which is unusual for me, the happy-go-lucky person. But I have to admit that I am starting to agree...while the meds help, it's becoming not worth the side-effects. Six of one - half a dozen of the other.

Joint damage and swelling from RA before I started back on the meds.
Two middle toes bending away from each other and top of foot swollen, red, and splotchy.
Beginning of the itchy bumps. They actually scared my arms and hands.

Bruise on my right side, between armpit and hip. This came from sitting in a rocking chair.
Bruise on forearm from resting it on a table while reading for about an hour.

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