Monday, June 24, 2013

Doc Visit

I posted the other day about my meds and the probs I've been having lately. So, I reluctantly went to the rheumatologist doc today. After a lengthy conversation explaining my recent symptoms and issues, the doc look concerned and said that it wasn't from the meds. He said it sounded like something else was going on, possible something serious. He took 8 tubes of blood and said they would get back to me with the results in a couple days. It may be something fairly simple like anemia or it could be something major.

Well, that was definitely not reassuring!! I tried to ask him what kind of "major" or "serious" are we talking about, but he didn't want to specify anything until he got the test results back. He seemed to have a possible idea or two, but he wouldn't vocalize them to me.

Soooo, the wait begins. Fingers crossed and prayers said for something simple and treatable! Oh, and I now have a new big nasty bruise from all the blood being drawn - right in the inner elbow area of my right arm. OOUCCHH!!!

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