Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Sometimes, the people you love the most let you down. They hurt you, emotionally. The only reason they are able to do so is because you care about them. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be bothered by it all.

How can someone who loves you, someone in your own family, believe you are capable of horrible things? I don't mean horrible like murder or anything, more like lying and cheating, especially when everything you do is for your family and to make them happy. I thought your innermost family were the ones that were supposed to believe in you. They are supposed to be the ones that support you emotionally.

Absolutely everything that I do is for my family. I want them to be happy. I want them to be proud of me. I constantly make posts on my Facebook page (before I disabled it on Sunday) that are about my family...how much I love them, how I am excited to spend the day with them, even pics of us together. Anyone and everyone that knows me, knows how much my family means to me. I would NEVER do anything to hurt them or disappoint them.

Yet last Sunday, my world came crashing down around me. Not only one but the two closest family members believe and accuse me of doing bad things. There is absolutely no reason for them to do so, and their logic makes no sense. They even went so far as to make posts on my Facebook page about it, hence why I deleted the post and deactivated my page. I am absolutely mortified and hurt by their actions; I cannot even think straight.

I don't think that I will ever fully recover from this. Even if they realize their mistakes and apologize, I will never trust either of them like before. I will never have that sense of family or safety with my loved ones again. I will always worry when it will happen again. I will always wonder why and how they could believe such horrible things about me when I have done nothing but always be there for them and love them unconditionally.

How can the two closest people to me in the world believe that I am capable of such things? How could they so quickly and carelessly break my heart?

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