Just Me

You may wonder why anyone would want to read a blog about miscellaneous thoughts and ramblings of someone they do not know. I am your typical, average American woman - married with kids. I am a self-employed photographer, who also assists running an international non-profit org. The basics of me are pretty simple. My name means Angel of the Morning, and thus I have a huge set of angel wings tattooed on my back. I also have a tribal turtle band around my right bicep to remind me to have the courage to take life at my own pace and to have faith that I will reach my destination at just the right moment. I prefer rope and beaded bracelets/necklaces over gold and silver jewelry. I love horror movies, but dislike gore. I love to read and prefer it to television. I love naps and think they should be mandatory for young and old alike. I enjoy a cold BudLight just as much as a glass of chilled Riesling wine or a shot of Tequila. Food is my friend...I love to eat! I am haunted by a small medicine man and his owl - both visit me often in my dreams. And finally, sunflowers and daisies make me smile because they grow wild and they seem to smile at me first.

So again, you are probably asking, "Why read this blog?" I wish I had some inspirational words of wisdom to enlighten you, but to tell the truth...I have no clue why anyone would read this. I write this more for my own sanity than for any other reason. Consider it a partial diary of my thoughts, amongst other stupid ramblings. Things that are not important to anyone, but that I just needed to get out of my head (Lord knows there is no room to spare in there).

I think that's about it for now. You now have an inside scoop on me and what this blog is and will be. Nothing important, yet a glimpse into my chaos. I may post once a month or ten times a day. But have no fear, it will never be the same. Happy reading!