Friday, June 7, 2013

New Discoveries

Have you ever wished you could view the world like a baby where everything is new and beautiful?

I get to experience that almost every time I walk around my yard. My husband, Mike, and I bought this property last winter and moved in about a week before Christmas. We've never seen what it looks like in the summer with all the trees, flowers, and other features. So every day that I walk the acreage, I find something else new and beautiful!

Here are some of the things I have discovered...

Bird nest in our grill. They were actually hatching at the time of this pic.

Birds all hatched. We had to put the little one on the right back in the nest.

My crooked tree at back of property. LOVE THIS!!

A good sittin' stump. The big knots at the bottom go all around the stump.

White Iris along the fence line

Yellow Iris near the driveway

A quirky little sitting bench. It needs to be secured before being used.

Wild roses

An apple tree in bloom. Hopefully we can beat the birds, squirrels, and bugs to the fruit.

Honeysuckle bushes along the front fence. They smell fabulous first thing in the morning!!

Little daisy flowers in front yard.

Some kind of purple flowering bush. It attracts butterflies!

Not sure what kind of plant this is. These actually look like cherry tomatoes, but they are too red for being so small.

We've done a few improvements outside since we moved in, but we are hesitant to do too much yet. We removed a lot of fence on the inner part of the property because it cut-up the acreage too much. We also removed an old shed falling down, some shrubbery around the house, and cleaned up some downed limbs. We've also had metal scrappers come out 3 times to pick up various things piled up in the yard. And by "we", I mean my husband has done all this.  :)

Next project...get my Quiet Place set up. I finally figured out the perfect place to put my big 2-person hammock and design my area. It's about halfway between the house and the back of the property, and it has a little cluster of trees. I'm thinking a sitting bench (or maybe my stump in above pic), a rock garden with a few smell-good flowers, and some of my quirky little turtle yard statue things. It will be my place to go to escape and just chill. Meditate, pray, take a nap, or just hide quietly for awhile. We (and yes that includes me this time) will start working on it this weekend. I am soooo excited!

Hammock will be hung from the trees at far left and far right. We have to clean them up a little first.

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