My Family

My family means absolutely everything to me. They are both my strength and my weakness, my insanity and my calmness. So allow me to introduce you to them, in no particular order...

Me and my aunt Dorothy just before we rode the Mountain SkyCoaster.

My beautiful sister, Tina, and me.

Family vacation. Dorothy, Miguel, Brittney, me, and Mike (my hubby) from left to right.

My dad, Cameron, and my sister, Tina.

My ornery step-daughter, April.

My grandma, Mary.

My handsome hubby, Mike, and me chillin' at the lake.

My beautiful granddaughter, Allyson.

Another pic of my granddaughter, Allyson.

Two of the most beautiful women I've ever known. My mom, Barbara, and my aunt Dorothy.

My hubby, Mike, on our honeymoon.

My sweet niece, Makayla, in our photo announcement that she's going to be a Big Sister.

Brittney and my son, Peyton, announcing a baby girl coming soon. That would be Allyson in above pics.

My step-daughter, April, showing her true self...ornery!

And here are a few videos of different things with my family (via YouTube)...

Me singing with my granddaughter Ally. This is the only song she would sing to.

My son, Peyton, reading his Christmas present from me. This was about 3 weeks after he became a daddy, so I wrote him a poem called "My Daddy's Hands". He cried the whole way through it.

Me and my aunt Dorothy riding the Mountain Skycoaster. 

My niece Makayla and her musical debut singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Me shooting my new 12-gauge shotgun. My hubby said I couldn't hit the can on top of the pile.
LOL, I proved him wrong on the first shot.  :)

So as you can see, I love my crazy, tone-deaf, wayward family. I am very proud of each of them and would give my life just to see them smile! We are all perfect in our own imperfections...I wouldn't have it any other way.

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