Friday, June 7, 2013

I am my own tree

Yes, you read my post title correctly.  I am my own tree.  Now you're probably thinking, "What in the heck are you talking about?" while questioning which psychotropic drugs I am taking. LOL, no worries.  :)  It's all good.

You see, I have this tree in my yard that absolutely fascinates me for some unknown reason. I first noticed it when we viewed this property before putting in an offer to buy it. I took the below photo with my cell phone. Although it was mid-November in Oklahoma, it was still beautiful when most everything else was dying off! I look at this image often, but I could never put my finger on why it touched me the way it did. It actually triggers an emotional response from me.

Then today, it hit me!!! This tree is me...I am my own tree. Allow me to explain the best way that I can and in my own weird way. I am just a small tree with the world twisting around me in every way possible, yet I stand strong and am surrounded by beauty all the time.

If you look closely, the actual tree is on the right side (that's me). It's not very big and is hardly noticeable in the big picture. What people see are the vines twisting around it. Those vines are the world twisting around me seemingly changing the shape and taking attention off of me, the base tree. In reality, those vines are deadly and can hurt or kill the tree. With that said, the tree (me) still stands strong despite the obstacles trying to overpower. And surrounding me is beauty. Beauty in the color of the weeds and flowers and leaves. The natural things that add color to and are part of life.

So while you may not notice me in the overall big picture, I am still here...still standing strong despite obstacles trying to bring me down. And I will continue to thrive with the help of everything beautiful by my side. I am my own tree!

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