Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Skullcap Needed

Me + Blonde Highlights = Epic Failure

Yes, I am that person who thinks that she can do anything herself and be successful. ROFL...reality check today!

I am a natural blonde. I used to have really long hair, but last summer I cut it all off. Over 13 inches. Although I miss my hair, I do enjoy it being short and easy to handle. So with summer coming, I had this brilliant idea to put in some highlights or frosting, whatever you call it. 

The instructions said to leave it on for at least 20-30 minutes for light-to-medium blonde hair to allow the color to "process and set".  I left it in for only 10 minutes and did the quick strand test thing to check the color. OMG...I had to wash it out immediately!! The result is that most of my hair is now almost white, except it has a slight orange-red tint.

Just fabulous! And before you start saying, "You should have gone to the salon rather than buy it out-of-the-box." I have to advise you that I did that about 2 years ago before my Today Show interview. And the salon screwed it up too. I told the lady that my hair is very sensitive to color, and only a few minutes are needed. Although she had been a hair lady for over 20 years, she didn't listen. My hair was soooo white that it was almost see-through. It cost me another $125 to get it darkened back to blonde at another salon.

So needless to say, it's time to find my Harley Davidson skullcap to wear for a few days. Maybe the color, or lack thereof, will calm down soon, but more than likely I'll have to re-color it a darker blonde.  Is 12:30pm too soon for a strong adult beverage?

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